Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Wisdom of the Crowds

The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations, published in 2004, is a book written by James Surowiecki about the aggregation of information in groups, resulting in decisions that, he argues, are often better than could have been made by any single member of the group. The book presents numerous case studies and anecdotes to illustrate its argument, and touches on several fields, primarily economics and psychology.

Types of crowd wisdom

Surowiecki breaks down the advantages he sees in disorganized decisions into three main types, which he classifies as

  • Cognition

Thinking and information Processing

Market judgment, which he argues can be much faster, more reliable, and less subject to political forces than the deliberations of experts or expert committees.

  • Coordination

Coordination of behavior includes optimizing the utilization of a popular bar and not colliding in moving traffic flows. The book is replete with examples from experimental economics, but this section relies more on naturally occurring experiments such as pedestrians optimizing the pavement flow or the extent of crowding in popular restaurants. He examines how common understanding within a culture allows remarkably accurate judgments about specific reactions of other members of the culture.

  • Cooperation

How groups of people can form networks of trust without a central system controlling their behavior or directly enforcing their compliance. This section is especially pro free market.

Not all crowds (groups) are wise. Consider, for example, mobs or crazed investors in a stock market bubble. According to Surowiecki, these key criteria separate wise crowds from irrational ones:



Diversity of opinion

Each person should have private information even if it's just an eccentric interpretation of the known facts.


People's opinions aren't determined by the opinions of those around them.


People are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge.


Some mechanism exists for turning private judgments into a collective decision.

Based on Surowiecki’s book, Oinas-Kukkonen captures the wisdom of crowds approach with the following eight conjectures:

  1. It is possible to describe how people in a group think as a whole.
  2. In some cases, groups are remarkably intelligent and are often smarter than the smartest people in them.
  3. The three conditions for a group to be intelligent are diversity, independence, and decentralization.
  4. The best decisions are a product of disagreement and contest.
  5. Too much communication can make the group as a whole less intelligent.
  6. Information aggregation functionality is needed.
  7. The right information needs to be delivered to the right people in the right place, at the right time, and in the right way.
  8. There is no need to chase the expert.

Failures of crowd intelligence

Surowiecki studies situations (such as rational bubbles) in which the crowd produces very bad judgment, and argues that in these types of situations their cognition or cooperation failed because (in one way or another) the members of the crowd were too conscious of the opinions of others and began to emulate each other and conform rather than think differently. Although he gives experimental details of crowds collectively swayed by a persuasive speaker, he says that the main reason that groups of people intellectually conform is that the system for making decisions has a systematic flaw.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Shopping- Blue

That's how I ended up my shopping day. I like those shoes a lot, so I did my best to find a good match for them. I think this dress and this bracelet are appopriate. I already have a belt, but I need a purse now. Another shopping day?

Summer Time

I love the summer, I wish I could spend three months by the seaside enjoying the season. Unfortunately, I can’t do that, I’m a working girl and I spend most of it in the office, watching beautiful landscapes on my desktop.

But I have the weekends and I find my way to take advantage of the summer time. Yesterday my friends and me went to a nice spa hotel in the suburbs and we spent the whole day on its outdoor pool. It wasn’t like a beach, but it was fun after all.

The Job Interview

We never have a second chance to make a first impression. It’s very important to know on a job interview, we have just a few minutes to show we deserve the job we apply for. It may be stressful and sometimes we may say things we don’t think, or we get confused and worried. What is worth is never easy.

Here are some things that may help:

Be nice and polite. The people who will be on the other side are humans too and they want you to join their team. Be patient if they are late or not completely aware of your CV, say you appreciate their time, wish them a nice afternoon/weekend.

Be aware where do you apply. We apply for companies and positions we’re interested in, but we should go any further once invited on an interview. Read the company website, the job requirements and opportunities and think about how does the job match your knowledge, experience and goals.

Show desire to learn. Every company has its own policy and systems and jobs there require a specific trainings. So tell them what you know why do you believe it will be useful for them and never forget to mention you are ready to learn everything that the job takes. People who don’t learn all the time are less likely to grow a successful career. Be flexible and easy going.

Never complain. Why did u leave your previous job is a normal question on a job interview. Don’t focus on the weak points of your career past, but on the positives of your future one. Don’t say what you didn’t like in your previous job, because people who are used to complain and mourn , they will always do, no matter where they are. Saying that you set up higher goals and being desired to meet new challenges, it sounds better.

Listen and understand. Listen to what they say and ask minor questions in order to show understanding of what you hear. Ask what they can offer, if you are not interested in their conditions that can make a bad impression- you are needy and you will agree on whatever they say, you are not confident and you don’t think you deserve any benefits or you are not interested in their offer any more.

And never feel disappointed if it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it just wasn’t your place to be. Believe something better is out there for you!