Sunday, May 23, 2010

Love Quotes

Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope. - Tom Head

Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. – Rumi

We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace. - William E. Gladstone

Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas. - Dale Evans

Love is not a noun; it's a verb. It isn't something you get. It's something you do. It's the way you love your partner every day. - Barbara De Angelis

If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself. - Barbara De Angelis

The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we can never give enough of is love. - Henry Miller

The real enemy can always be met and conquered, or won over. Real antagonism is based on love, a love which has not recognized itself. - Henry Miller

We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection. - Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you. - - William Arthur Ward

Love is an emotion experienced by the many and enjoyed by the few. - George Jean Nathan

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back. - Arthur Rubinstein

The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge. - Bertrand Russell

Love is more than just a feeling: it's a process requiring continual attention. Loving well takes laughter, loyalty, and wanting more to be able to say, "I understand" than to hear, "You're right." - Molleen Matsumura

Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. - Zora Neale Hurston

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. - Mother Teresa

The first duty of love is to listen. - Paul Tillich

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. - George MacDonald

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