Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What children learn when they grow up

Things I learned when from a child I turned into an adult:

- I know there is no a prince riding white horse who is looking for me, most likely just the horse will find me.

- I don’t believe Snow White exists, just her step mother

- Not a kiss turns a frog into a prince, a bottle of whiskey does.

- Good things may happen to good girls, but bad girls get much more.

- Adults’ mischief is more dangerous.

- I know that if I eat much, I’ll grow up. But now that growth affects my width instead of height.

- When mommy gives me money it’s not a reward, now it means I’m a looser.

- Seek and hide games are still popular, but when u get caught it gets ugly.

- I’m not that happy for having birthdays.

- I don’t hide my friends’ secrets from their mothers but from their boyfriends.

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