Saturday, July 17, 2010

Book Review: Narcissus and Goldmund

A book I found randomly, so I didn't expect much of it. But no matter it's about different time and life is so different that it is now, in this book everyone can find parts of himself in the protagonists.

This book tells the story of two men who are at the complete opposite ends of the spectrum of life. Goldmund is a curious and always searching soul. Narcissus is an intellectual, reserved and accepting man.

With the help of Narcissus, Goldmund learns to accept his suppressed childhood and his personality - of being a wanderer and a lover.

Although Narcissus helps Goldmund gain the understanding of his childhood and the memories of his mother, Goldmund fails to be "productive." He simply wanders in search of her, sinning along the way. He does, at one point, learn to sculpt and draw, yet abandons this as easily as he abandons all of his lovers. Eventually, Goldmund returns to Narcissus. In his death bed, he asks Narcissus the ultimate question: "But how will you die when your time comes, Narcissus, since you have no mother? Without a mother, one cannot love. Without a mother, one cannot die." I believe that in saying this, Goldmund does not literally mean that Narcissus has no mother. Instead, I think he is trying to say that he has no passion. Without passion for something, anything at all, none of us can truly live. Narcissus was a thinker, but he seemed not to have felt anything. Therefore, if he never really lived how can he truly die?

This is an extremely important and relevant theme. Although we do not know whether either Goldmund or Narcissus had the "right" idea about life, we do know that we can learn from both. We also know that passion is within each and every one of us. This novel shows us the importance of following that passion while also having a steady balance in our lives. We can not be like Goldmund and wander aimlessly with no real responsibility or attachment. We also cannot live the life of Narcissus, being completely detached from emotional human contact and our own feelings. In his novel, "Narcissus and Goldmund", Herman Hesse shows us the great significance of following our passions, while also showing us the possible outcomes of an unbalanced lifestyle.

Original Link to the book review:

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