Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shopping Online- My Latest Addiction

I'm stuck home studying. I turn off my phone, but I need to use the computer and that's how it started. Somehow I found a commercial for a party wear... yes, the Christmas parties and celebrations with the family, colleagues, friends. They all requires nice outfit and did I forget to mention that I need to find good Christmas gifts? The earlier I start, the better I'll do (really?)
After I listed my excuses it's time to confess... I was looking at online shopping sites last two weeks every day. I catch my self doing it even at work when I take a little break. I've already ordered a few things and I'm on my way to explore more options.
The ones that are already delivered fit very well on me, so it's like additional motivation to go on this way. It's so easy, just click on the buttons and in a few days they are on me.

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