Sunday, September 6, 2009

Love lasts only an year, I really hope it's not true!!!

Look what I found!

How Long Does Love Last?

According to Dr John Marsden of the UK's National Addiction Center, "Attraction and lust really is like a drug. It leaves you wanting more." Love gives you the buzz of taking drugs and there is withdrawal too. He also suggests that our animal instincts, our biology search for someone to mate with and there is a built in sex trap, a booby-trap if you will, because the more you have sex with a particular person, the more likely you are to fall in love with that person whether you want to or not. Perhaps, I think, a regular sex buddy on the side may ruin a long term relation and you may inadvertantly fall in love with someone that really isn't good for you unless you want to have children. Ah... it's so complicated. Dr Marsden thinks that love lasts from 3-7 years. That's not good news if you've already had some children with your beloved. There is more to this romantic love thing. Now the University of Pavla has also done love research and they maintain that romantic love only lasts one year. They have discovered a brain chemical responsible for the 'first flush of love'. They discovered that it's raised levels of a protein which are linked to "feelings of euphoria and dependence experienced at the start of a relationship." Ah remember the days when you were stupid in love and married that person anyway? In the long run those levels go back to normal and the love actually becomes more stable if it lasts. The love turns deeper and more companionate after the thrill is gone. Now that comes in handy if you have kids because you can pay attention to them so they don't grow up ignored and end up on the Springer Show

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