Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mom and phone are more important for women than her boyfriend

It’s expected that love has to be more important than material things, such as mobile phone, right?
This seems not so for women because they appreciate their phones more than men in their lives ...
Indeed, this information is based on a survey conducted by involved with over 4 000 women - it shows that four out of ten would have been "broken" if you lose your phone, and a third of participants acknowledged they would live happily and without man in her life.
The list of 20 most valuable things about the first women are their mothers, and third place are mobile phones. Intimate friend was only in fifth place - surprisingly, after the phones in the rankings.

Hm…. Looks like men that worth is vanishing specie.
And what would men say in such survey? Hahah I bet man value football and his car more than his girlfriend :P

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