Thursday, January 7, 2010

What women don't like about men

We spend so much time thinking about men… what they like and what they don’t like, how to please them and make the special one happy. Hmmm have you ever thought it makes no any sense in case u don’t feel happy being with this man. Making him happy being with you is as much important as you feeling happy being with him.

Let’s face all of those irritating men features we complain about to our best friends during the long gossip meetings with our friends.

Speaking like a single: You know all those small things men say and do like singles that can make us freak out. Like saying “me” instead of “we” when he’s talking about something couple do together. Forgets to mention her while talking to his friends and family. Call her with her name like he does to his friends and never call her “my girlfriend” or with nice sweet names in public.

His friends: We respect their friends, their rights to spend time with friends and we don’t want to make them feel caught between his friends and his girlfriends. But there are few things they must not forget we hate! We hate when they discuss our sex life with their friends- it’s something special just between the two! Never forget friends and girlfriend are something completely different, they are very important for every man, but never make your girlfriend feels in competition with your friends for you time and attention. Never say you respect their opinion more than hers! Although never let your friends to say what to do with your relationship and how to treat your girlfriend if you don’t want her to tell you how to treat them!

Our time together: In this busy world it’s not easy to find enough time for everyone and everything, so make your girlfriend feel special by spending enough time with her and when you do, do it a way she would enjoy it. Some men just plan their spare time and the options for their girlfriends are just to join them in the activities they plan or not. If we agree to join you in something you like this weekend, return the favor next weekend. Discuss and plan your time together the way it will be the best for the both, because if you don’t it won’t be a surprise she’ll find someone else to share her favorite activities and may be her bed later.

Money: When it comes to money everything gets different. Yes, money and love are completely different things, but it’s ugly when after a dinner, in a taxi, at the cinema everyone pays his part. We want them to pay these checks, not because of the money and because we want to see he cares for us more than few dollars. We’ll pay for something else later, the point is to see they want to take care of us and he thinks for two.

Care and attention: Yes, we’re already a couple, the flirting period and time when we try to impress each other is over. We need care and attention every day!!! We like to hear you appreciate what we do for you, we want hugs and kisses, we want to hear “I love you”, “I miss you”, “You’re beautiful”. We want nice e-mails, cards and flowers occasionally. Be sure you will be properly rewarded for that!

Our friends: Yes, our friends are not perfect, but neither yours not you are! Our friends are the ones who were with us before you and will be with us after you leave! So please don’t criticize them, don’t say bad things about them. And remember when you do nice things for us, our friends always note it. They will never say bad things about you if you don’t give them a reason!

Looking at other women: So many hot girls walk around in mini skirts, with long legs, big boobs young and pretty. They make the hunter inside our boyfriends wakes up at he can’t take their eyes off her. That makes us feel miserable and humiliated. So when you see hottie like this around, before starting imagining her in bikini think that she has a boyfriend with flat tummy, big muscles and smile like a movie star and may be your girlfriend would be happy to change you for him at least for one night!

Let us take the important decisions: Yes, men and women are equal, that’s great! But it doesn’t mean that woman must take man’s responsibilities. You want to be the man, then go ahead and show you really are! Men start flirting, men invite to dates, men first say “I love you”, men pay dinners and send flowers, men make more money than their girlfriends, men buy engagement rings and propose marriages! Men take big decisions about everything two have in common and if they want to call themselves real men, they must know what they want, how to do it all the time! Those who hesitate, who are not sure or wait the woman to ask first… forget about them, if they can’t take decision for themselves, don’t expect them to take decisions about whole family some day.

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