Monday, November 16, 2009

Value of time

Looking back over my shoulder… I’m looking at my old photos. They remind me of so much feelings and emotions, so many people and situations that were very important to me at that time… so important that now I barely remember them. Time takes so much, for better or worse it changes everything- the way we look, the way we think and some day we wake up and we realize we’re not the one we were supposed to be. Someone finds an adult instead of a child, another – failure instead of success, ugly instead of beauty, a lonely one instead of a family, and no one wanted it to happen this way.

For the other ones, changes brought just the opposite- the ugly ducky became a beautiful swan, poor school boy became successful businessman, child becomes young man…

Time changes us day by day, we don’t feel it now, but when we do it might be too late if we don’t look forward every day with every step we take. Some goals take years or even a life time to be achieved, another ones take efforts every day to be maintained, but there’s no shortcut to a place it worth going. And every moment we’re wasting our time someone else is using it to get closer to his success.

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