Monday, October 26, 2009

Love life hints & tips

Has the spark extinguished or is it just flickering? Use these handy suggestions to rekindle the flame in your relationship and fire up your love life again!
Quality not quantity: spend time together, not just being in the same place together, but sharing things with each other - chatting, preparing a meal together, watching a film that you both enjoy, or going for a walk.
Wine and dine: there's nothing better than going out for a meal together. Find an intimate restaurant with soft candle lighting and cosy tables or booths where you can be alone together in romantic surroundings.
Whisper sweet nothings: it's easy to fall into the trap of taking your partner for granted after a while and forgetting those magic words. Say ˜I love you" and et your partner know how special they are to you. A poem or song or little note left on their pillow is a passionate gesture.
Get away: leave all your worries behind you by going away for the weekend together. It needn't be an exotic location- just far enough away to give you peace and quiet together.Kisses and cuddles: remember the passionate embraces and spontaneous sex that you once enjoyed? The intensity of your physical relationship can often die down after being together for a long time as you get stuck in a routine and other pressures and responsibilities take over. Make sure that you schedule time to be alone together - have an early night, buy some sexy lingerie, spice things up with some toys and games and surprise your partner by being spontaneous.
Talk to each other: most importantly, remember to communicate with each other. It may seem obvious, but communication can easily break down in a long-term relationship. If you don't tell your partner what's on your mind, how will they know what's wrong and what to do about it? Talk openly and honestly with each other about how you are feeling. Every relationship goes through difficult patches but these can be resolved by sharing problems with each other and tackling them together.
On the cards: sometimes you need a little spiritual guidance to help you find the direction you're looking for. The insight offered by tarot readings can help you do understand your relationship and lead you towards greater emotional wellbeing in your love life.


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